Vip Consulting is your reliable partner!

Why Us

Financial Statements Preparation

What Is It? Financial statements preparation is the process of creating reports that reflect the client's financial position, income, and expenses. These reports typically include the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, and other essential financial statements. Why Is It Important? Financial statements clearly show the client's financial situation and are crucial for their future planning. The reports play a vital role in fulfilling tax obligations, obtaining loans, and other financial matters. Accounting firms help clients prepare these statements accurately and on time.

Qualified staff

Regular seminars, constantly updated methodological base, monitoring of legislation ensure the process of continuous professional development of our personnel. Checking and evaluating the knowledge levels of employees is carried out every year.

Quality control

We have implemented a multi-level quality control system that ensures the objectivity, independence and reliability of the results of our experts' work and allows us to effectively eliminate possible deficiencies in the planning and execution of tasks.

Comprehensive approach

Our company provides services based on a comprehensive approach and according to its potential and profile. The presence of specialists with different profiles helps to effectively solve the client's problems and ensures that the most balanced decisions are made.

Price policy

We use a multi-factor pricing system that takes into account the customer's specific needs and specific economic risks.

Trust us in the successful management of your business

We will focus on your accounting and administrative services, taking the burden off your shoulders


Our Services

Human Resources Administration

Human Resources Administration Services

Accounting Services and Financial Reporting

VİP Consulting has extensive experience and deep knowledge in providing Accounting Services and Financial Reporting for local and international companies of various sizes and complexities across different economic sectors.


"VIP Consulting" Limited Liability Company offers comprehensive consulting services in accounting, audit, legal, tax, and other fields.


Selecting the right employees is the most reliable path to organizational success.

Legal Services

Legal Services

Banking advice

Making the right financial decisions is the cornerstone of a successful business. With our professional financial consulting services, you can manage your business's growth in a secure and strategic way. We help your business reach its financial goals effectively.

Social-Psychological Support for Entrepreneurs

Why choose us? Business psychology helps companies and organizations better understand the behavior of employees, customers, and partners, and to influence them effectively through various methods. The main methods used in business psychology are as follows:

Audit services (mandatory or voluntary)

Audit service is a professional service that verifies the accuracy and compliance of a company’s financial operations and reports. It ensures transparency in financial statements, identifies risks, and evaluates internal control systems. Audits can be conducted either on a mandatory or voluntary b

The establishment and management of accounting

The establishment and management of accounting ensure the accurate recording and administration of a company’s financial operations. This process is essential for ensuring transparency in financial reporting and compliance with legal requirements.

Preparation and submission of Tax, Social Security Fund, and Statistical reports

The preparation of Tax, Social Security Fund, and Statistical reports involves tracking a company's financial activities and submitting them to governmental authorities in compliance with legal requirements.

Preparation of financial statements

The preparation of financial statements, including income, balance sheet, and cash flow reports, reflecting a company’s financial position.

Human Resource managemen

A service involving the recruitment, training, and management of employees.

Stock count and inventory

The process of accurately counting inventory and managing warehouse assets.

Insurance Services



ƏDV əvəzləşdirilməsinə xüsusi çəkinin tətbiqi

Vergi Məcəlləsinin 175.4-cü maddəsinə əsasən, vergi ödəyicisi vergi tutulan əməliyyatlar və bu Məcəllənin 164-cü maddəsinə uyğun olaraq əlavə dəyər vergisindən (ƏDV) azad edilmiş əməliyyatlar aparırsa, ƏDV üzrə əvəzləşdirmə üçün vergi tutulan dövriyyənin ü

